Updated on June 10, 2010
西雅圖台灣商會 溫哥華一日遊
費用:美金$35+小費$2 (不含餐飲)
報名請洽:鄭嘉琳 龔莉珍
2010 Legislative Session Report: Roundtable Discussion with Small Businesses
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Location: S. Seattle Community College – Georgetown Campus, Building C, Room 208
6737 Corson Avenue S
Seattle, Washington 98108
As legislators, we continue to hear that small businesses across Washington State are struggling because of the global economic recession. Experts say small businesses will be critical to rebuilding our economy and we want to ensure that state government plays an active and supportive role. We value your input and invite you to share your thoughts, experience, and expertise with us during this roundtable so please plan to join us. It is important we get an RSVP by June7, 2010. Please contact Marissa Chavez, Rep. Bob Hasegawa’s legislative assistant, at (206) 587-5554 or by email at chavez.marissa@leg.wa.gov to RSVP. Of course we’ll have coffee and Krispy Kremes for you at the meeting. 🙂 See you there.
西雅圖台灣商會第22屆年會 暨
時間:2010年5月22日 星期六 (Saturday)
晚上6點至10點 06:00PM-10:00PM
地點:Tea Palace Asian Restaurant
2828 Sunset Lane Northeast
Renton, WA 98056-3138
(425) 277-8600
報名請洽: 西雅圖台灣商會
購票請洽: 會長 黃亞華 副會長 張德民